What we Believe
Farrand Street Bible Chapel is founded upon
The truths of God’s Word (the Bible)
That God is, that God is Spirit, that God created all things,
and that God is perfectly holy and righteous.
That the Lord Jesus Christ (God’s Son) is the visible representation of God
That when the first man disobeyed God, he died spiritually
and all of his descendants are born spiritually dead and with an inherent sin nature.
That all men are already condemned to eternal punishment
because we cannot meet God’s minimum standard.
That Jesus gave His life as a perfect sacrifice
to take God’s punishment for the sin of all men.
That everyone who believes that Jesus died to take the punishment for their sin,
is born again spiritually and becomes a child of God.
God’s Spirit dwells in those who are born again.
Christian virtues are an evidence of the working of
God’s Spirit in Christian’s lives, but good virtues cannot save us.
All men will face God’s Judgment at the end of time
That after death, those who believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ will live in heaven eternally